Horse Talk: Clip Clop Questions With Kevin Zuhn
‘Horse Talk’ is a series here on the Octodad blog where we run intra-team Young Horses interviews. The first 2 or so questions are the same for each horse, but afterwords we crowd-source the team for things they’d like to ask the interviewee. Who are…
Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Steam’s Greenlight
When we started making Octodad: Dadliest Catch we had the ambition we still maintain today, that we very much want to distribute the game through Valve’s Steam platform for PC/Mac. (Linux too if it’s ready by the time we launch! Otherwise we’ll find another way…
We’re Going to PAX Prime!
A few months back we were lucky enough to receive word that the Indie Megabooth was going to return at PAX Prime, and they were even looking for games to fill some space at the booth! We decided to hop on that gravy train and…
Your Favorite Octopus in Your Favorite Reverse Rhythm Game, Retro/Grade
A few months back I spoke with Matt Gilgenbach of 24 Caret Games and he was seeking some other indies to fill his unlockable character slots for his upcoming PSN release of Retro/Grade. Retro/Grade is a shooter gone rhythm game where you play the whole…
Horse Talk: Chris Mans the Stall
‘Horse Talk’ is a series here on the Octodad blog where we’ll be running some intra-team Young Horses interviews. The first 2 or so questions will be the same for each horse, but afterwords we crowd-source the team for things they’d like to ask the…
Horse Talk: Devon Explains It All
‘Horse Talk’ is a new series here on the Octodad blog where we’ll be running some intra-team Young Horses interviews. First up we quiz Devon Scott-Tunkin. The first 2 or so questions will be the same for each horse, but afterwords we crowd-source the team for things…
Tech Behind Octodad: Dadliest Catch
A common question we get from people when we talk to them about Octodad is, “What tech are you using to make the game?”. Our goal from the start has been to make the game for as many platforms as we can, so we’ve currently…
More Than a Year
It has been a year and nearly seventeen days since we ran our Kickstarter campaign. A year. A year is A TON of time, or so you might think. It’s amazing that this seemingly large amount of time has flown by so quickly. I was…