Category: General

More Than a Year

It has been a year and nearly seventeen days since we ran our Kickstarter campaign. A year. A year is A TON of time, or so you might think. It’s amazing that this seemingly large amount of time has flown by so quickly. I was…

Why Music is the Best Thing

Disclaimer: I tend to get really emotional and personal when I talk or write about music, so if that isn’t your thing, you should probably bail. “There’s always a point, like when I’m all by myself composing…where I’m thinking, ‘is this anything? Is this idea…

Young Horses Vacay

People always talk about how important things like team building and vacations are. Around June of this year we realized that we had actually been a team and had been working on Dadliest Catch for an entire year already. We’re always keeping track of how…