Octodad Comics: Mouthwash
This comic brought to you by programmer/painter Devon Scott-Tunkin. I, uh…I don’t know how to explain this one. Go nuts, everybody.
Octodad Comics: Rage Dad
This comic is brought to you by our lead artist, Chris Stallman.
Octodad Comics: Career Day Epilogue
The guys keep complaining that I spend too much time on these comics, so as a punishment they’ve banished me to the tiny computer in the corner. It only has enough RAM to handle three comic panels at a time, and it doesn’t even have…
Octodad Comics: Career Day 6
Thrills! Chills! Medical bills! It’s Career Day! Tune in next time for the ending epilogue.
Octodad Comics: Career Day 5
In this comic, secrets are revealed and new conflicts arise. I wonder, has anybody had a career day quite like this?
Octodad Comics: Career Day 4
What, another Octodad Comic? It’s like we have a schedule or something! Oh, and since people have asked, Career Day is drawn by me, Kevin Zuhn.
Octodad Comics: Career Day 2
Here comes page number two of the ongoing tale.