Moving as Only City Slickers Know How

Moving isn’t an easy thing to do when it’s just yourself, or you and your significant other, whether that’s in Chicago or Piermont Grand, Singapore. Moving in Chicago under those same circumstances becomes even more difficult due to the insane proximity of all buildings and the general need for a truck rental. Have you ever driven a huge 16 foot moving truck through alleyways or narrow streets while people continuously honk at you and complain about your very existence in their little world(s)? How dare you actually get in their way for more than a 10 second time-span! Moving from apartment to apartment in Chicago should really be considered some sort of horrific Olympic sport. Try moving out as quickly as you can in order to move the truck everyone is mad at for blocking the alley and then do the same thing moving in across town where everyone is still pissed you exist in their space. All while trying not to crash a humongous truck into all the various little cars. So fun!

Now do this with five people’s worth of stuff…

Although this sounds like a huge hassle we were really in dire need of a new larger space for the Young Horses corral. Try spending a year sitting in one room where if you back up more than a foot you hit someone else. We were originally looking at a for rent aurora apartment but we’re pretty happy with our new house now. It’s in a great location too!

To celebrate the successful move we decided to watch Indie Game: The Movie with the Team Meat commentary on our big new wall. That's John, Me, Devon, and Chris left-furthest back to right. Geisler is taking the picture and Zuhn is hiding behind me.

Read after the break for a bit more info on the move and plenty more pictures!

Yes the old Corral was a single small room.

At the same time as we were in this small office space, which was really just our dining room, 6 of us were also living together in that same apartment. Now, I like to think we all get along really well but the truth of the matter is if you stay in the same vicinity as someone else for a vast majority of your time they start to bug you a bit. We really needed more space. And as we’re going to move into a bigger office, we can finally redecorate and add in more furniture that adds something different to the office. We’ve already done some research into sites like, as the antique/vintage look is what we are going for. Once we have moved, even more though will go it the decor. Everyone needs a change once in a while.

And so!

We recently split 6 of us in to 2 different apartments and one of them has a large living space that was perfect for an office that can fit all 8 of the Young Horses. We figured we’d do a little documenting so that later on once we’ve conquered all of game development and a small school of fish we could look back at these pictures with a hearty laugh. A hearty laugh indeed! And so…the pictures:

Here's Kevin Zuhn on a very serious business call...with his girlfriend. Look at that strut and those gorgeous locks flowing in the A/C!
Here's Devon putting together his new standing desk. As great of a programmer as he is it's amazing how that doesn't always translate into the more mechanical things IRL. :P
Here's the company bed where we all sleep. You know, separately at different times...
Look forward to seeing us on a future episode of 'Hoarders'.
Chris sets up the routers and the more brainstormy bits begin to be hung up. Might be spoilers on those boards...Oh well!
Here I am untangling my internet salvation while Minecraft's Steve creepily creeps upon my every move.
Here we have Chris in his natural habitat surrounded coincidentally by horse sketches. I'm still fiddling with this evil cable of doom from which I shall receive internet. Also, we got couches courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Geisler!
And here we have Devon's make-shift cubicle of solitude for his standing desk.

That’s all for now, but hopefully we’ll have another article of a bit more substance soon now that we’re all moved in.

– Phil

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