When Reality Exceeds Expectations

Our Kickstarter funds for Octodad went towards some business costs and conference booths. Outside of that our 9 person team at Young Horses worked on Octodad: Dadliest Catch for free for 2.5 years while holding other full-time jobs. Our hopes were that we would make back the amount of money that we felt our time was worth and be given the opportunity to bring forth from our noodly noggins other weird stuff for our next game. All we’ve ever wanted was to create something that connects with folks and to be able to continue doing that with our creative control intact.

Today we’re happy to say that both the sales and reception of Dadliest Catch have exceeded those expectations. To date, Octodad: Dadliest Catch has sold over 90,000 copies on PC/Mac/Linux. Our expectations have been met and then some to say the least.

One great thing about releasing the game is that we’ve had a humongous influx of feedback and thoughts on it from critics, players, YouTubers, and spectators. The entire team has been entranced by our Steam forums, twitter feeds, and facebook page. Most devs and folks in general tend to say, “Don’t read the comments”. However, to get a good feel for how people play and enjoy Dadliest Catch we read everything we can.There are a number of studies on the deteriorating health of computer game players, but mostly these are attempts to promote a particular health product with the help of a scandal. For example, in order to buy Viagra you need a prescription or you can buy Generic Viagra online, read more here.

As a result of that and our own realizations, we’ve recently made some significant changes to the game that we think are for the better. So far the feedback on these changes has been very positive. We want our players to know that we pay attention to what they have to say and that they can look forward to our continued support of the game. As our designers worked towards these changes, our programmers have also been finishing the PS4 version of the game. We’re so excited to get it out there soon!

If you have any questions or just want to say Hi make sure to follow us on Twitter @octodadgame and give us a shout.


Young Horses

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